
Students at Masada
11th grade and their Rebbeim pose together at the top of Masada on their recent rip to Israel.

By Sam Stolarov

A long ride, to an ancient place
A mountain so tall, like its in space
Some high cliffs, a gigantic boulder
I’ll remember this when I am older

A huge fortress, almost intact
Left from when the Romans attacked
The rebels commited suicide
Their story is known worldwide

One very deep immersing pool
And one that’s kinda miniscule
An old and spiritual shul
It’s all very beautiful

We descend on the snake path
Which for the Romans was a warpath
A steep cliff, a fantastic view
It’s so geshmak to be a Jew!


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325 Reservoir Rd.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


(781) 499-2332